Upgrading to R12 – Lessons Learned and Functional Tips that you Need to Know
R12 Upgrade: Testing Tips for Financials to Ensure a Successful Upgrade Presentation
R12 Testing tips for Financials_Collab 11 Presentation After a test upgrade iteration from 11i to R12, thorough testing is imperative to ensure a successful transition for your business. There are many areas within financials that can have issues ranging from data corruption to general processing errors. This presentation will walk through various financial modules after […]
R12 Upgrade: Testing Tips for Financials to Ensure a Successful Upgrade – White Paper
https://o2works.com/wp-content/uploads/2017/12/R12-Upgrade-Testing-Tips-for-Financials_O2Works-White-Paper1.pdf After an iteration of a test upgrade from 11i to R12, thorough testing is imperative to ensure a successful transition for your business. There are many areas within financials that can have issues ranging from data corruption to general processing errors. This presentation will walk through various financial modules after an upgrade and point […]
R12 Applications Upgrade: Tips and Useful Methodology to Help Deliver a Successful Upgrade Project
R12 Applications Upgrade – Tips and Useful Methodology to Help Deliver a Successful Upgrade Project.The R12 upgrade is different than the 11i technical upgrades. Because of changes to the look and feel, functionality, and reporting, the impact to end users is significant. We’ll take you through key changes and provide tips and methodology to help […]
R12 Applications Upgrade: Tips and Useful Methodology to Help Deliver a Successful Upgrade Project – White Paper
How to Manage a Successful R12 Upgrade and Overcome the Challenges: Tips and Methodology That Works
How Custom Code Affects Upgrades and Patching
As part of the OAUG Pro Tips: Take Five video series, Mark Clark, Senior Partner of O2Works discusses Oracle EBS Upgrades, Patching and Custom Code. This 3:20 U-Tube video provides tips and best practices for working with the custom code to facilitate your Oracle E-Business Suite (EBS) upgrade and patching efforts.
Working with Custom Code in E-Business Suite Upgrades
This article was published in the OAUG Insight Magazine and provides valuable real-life advice on how to handle custom code remediation for an Oracle R12 upgrade. It delivers strategy advice as well as tips and best practice recommendations. Portions of this article were also published in Tech Target. https://o2works.com/wp-content/uploads/2017/12/Working-with-Custom-Code-Mark-Clark2.pdf